
We help leaders focus on what really matters
By Catherine Wilton, Programme Director
18 July 2024

A lot has happened since our last newsletter. As we forsaw, the funding for our programme has come to a close, and we have recently had a change of government.

The great news is is that all the signs are that personalisation will continue to be a government priority in health and social care…

Creating a community for change in health and social care
By Julie Stansfield, Partnership Lead and Chief Executive of In Control
24 August 2023

I’m proud to have been involved in the iterations that has led to the “Collaborative Leadership Academy” which delivers the Leadership for Personalised Care programme. My main reason for this is the passion to develop leaders that focus on what really matters….People!

Whilst everyone wants personalised care to work and be real….it’s now enshrined in law and guidance…getting from the words to real practice is not so easy…

Lots done, more to do!
By Catherine Wilton, Founder and Programme Director
21 April 2023

Anniversaries are a time for celebration but also reflection and as we continue to mark the 10th anniversary of our programme we can take pride in our achievement of nurturing a new breed of leaders but remain firmly focused on the challenges that confront us in the health and social care sector.

It's no exaggeration to state that the health and social care sector is facing its toughest ever challenge right now, with increasing needs and a workforce crisis, exacerbated by the aftershocks of the Covid pandemic that has left many demoralised and exhausted…

The Value of Coaching in Leadership Development
A perspective from coachee (Amy Milford-Wood) from the LECPC Programme and coach (Heather Simpson)
16 January 2023

The opportunity to participate in a 1:1 coaching relationship with an accredited coach, is an integral part of our Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care Programme.

For some individuals who join the programme, this is their first connection with coaching and the first questions people often ask are what is coaching and how will it benefit me?

There are many definitions of coaching aiming to encapsulate the unique space coaching offers, however, there are a couple that stand out for me…

Leadership for Empowered Communities – reflections on the past 10 years
21 November 2022

This year marks the 10th anniversary of our pioneering and acclaimed Leadership for Empowered and Health Communities programme. It’s a proud moment…


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